It's time to prepare for National Athletic Training Month in March. This year's theme is "ATs Are Health Care". Please monitor www.ctathletictrainers.org and our social media sites for more information. The CATA is encouraging everyone to participate in disseminating awareness about all that athletic trainers do during National Athletic Training Month. The CATA will have materials on the website www.ctathletictrainers.org, as well as the NATA www.nata.org in order to assist you with getting the word out. We have several activities that we hope you'll get involved with during March. In addition, we welcome new ideas for our month of celebration. Please submit photos and video of how you are celebrating National Athletic Training Month to our website. Photos received will be posted on the CATA website, Facebook, and Twitter.
The Public Relations Committee will be reaching out to High School Athletic Directors, Colleges and Universities across to the state asking them to help recognize National Athletic Training Month.
We are looking for photos of athletic trainers in action. These photos could be utilized in the future on the CATA website, display, and video. In addition, some photos maybe submitted to District 1 as well for their utilization.
Create a bulletin board with materials from the PR Toolkit. Please forward a photo of your bulletin board to dsearlesatc@yahoo.com .
All photos will be posted to the CATA website and social medial links.
Secondary School Contest - All secondary school athletic trainers encourage your athletes, administrators, coaches, team physicians, parents, etc. to view your bulletin board photo by visiting the CATA on Facebook during March and "Like" your photo. The secondary school athletic trainer with the most Likes will win a prize.
If your are submitting a video for the NATA video contest please don't forget to share with us.
Encourage your school to make announcements at events and post information on their website in honor of NATM.
Request your clinic, MD's office, school, college, athletic department or place of work to recognize athletic training staff, by posting acknowledgement in newsletter and website or post the NATM logo on their website for the month of March. Find NATM logos on the CATA website, look for PR Tool Kit.
ATP's will receive Service Award Points for participating in NATM projects and events. Please don't forget to submit a photo/video of your projects for credit.
Be sure to check the CATA website for NATM materials, project details & updates
Join the CATA in Celebrating Our Profession During March