President's Award
The CATA President's Award is presented at the discretion of the CATA Executive Council, in order to recognize a member who has demonstrated excellence in the practice of Athletic Training.
Please complete the nomination form below. Nominations open March 15th and close April 1st.
Nominated ATs will be contacted and required to submit supporting documentation by April 15th.
Award Winners
2023 Brittany Verge
Rachel Lahey
Ben Batchelder
Tyler McCarthy
2022 Khamari Haughton
2018 Daniel McDonagh
Michael Dias
Monique Brown
​2017 Dan Smith
Alden Fontana
Craig Campbell
2016 Gaetana Deiso
Corey Iamonico
Tiffany Kinahan
2012 Hilary Bristol
2009 Jeffrey Shanley