Young Professionals
Mission Statement
To identify and address the interests, needs, and concerns of young athletic training professionals and to facilitate communication to and from members of that group.
Strategic Directions
To increase recruitment and retention of the young athletic training professionals in the NATA
To increase the number of young athletic training professionals involved in volunteer positions at the local, state, district, and national levels
To increase the number of young athletic training professionals attending the NATA annual meeting
To provide educational opportunities relevant to the interests and concerns of young athletic training professionals
To encourage young athletic training professionals to become involved in public relations efforts to educate the public about the profession of athletic training
To encourage young athletic training professionals to become involved in legislative efforts
To promote professional socialization of young athletic training professionals
To encourage young athletic training professionals to get involved in efforts to improve working conditions and quality of life of athletic trainers
To promote professionalism among young athletic training professionals
Committee Members
Michael Dias (Chair)
Alycia Pushard (Webmaster)